Heading into Season 4 of Playlist, with kids everywhere quarantining at home, our mission of keeping kids active and having fun was more crucial than ever. On top of that, our hero and host Sky Brown was recovering from a really gnarly fall off Tony Hawk’s vert ramp…


With the world in quarantine, kids and adults are all finding new ways to stay active at home. But while adults are leaning into fundamentals like push-ups, sit-ups and squats, kids are leaning into their imaginations.


Nike Playlist: At Home found Sky & Ocean making the most of quarantine with a new segment, Shake-Ups, which turned fundamental moves kids parents might be doing into fun games & challenges everyone can play together. 60 Second Hangs took to Zoom, and we introduced Game Plans, which gave kids simple ways to make a positive impact through sport. Challenging times… but we kept the challenge of staying fit fun.